Mike Harper
God’s not discouraged with you. He’s actually quite good with you. He made you in His image!
Along the way, you may have believed some things that aren’t true and because of that, there’s some weight you’re carrying.
Break through your circumstances and cling to the truth that God made you unique. He has a very specific idea in mind for you and He’s faithful to see it through. All you have to do is NOT GIVE UP!
Don’t make “fixing the problem” your first response. Seek Him. Wait for Him. He’ll show up. Be encouraged. Difficult seasons are just that. Seasons. They’ll pass.
If you have someone to talk to, a spouse, a friend, family, that’s good! But don’t dump too much on them. He/she is just a person with limits. Make God your go-to. Get in the habit of talking to Him first about EVERYTHING.
If the problem persists today, tomorrow is coming! Be there. Be ready. Because in the words of Dallas Holm, “God’s up to stuff!” He knows everything! Even what will happen tomorrow! He’s like a super hero!
So get tight. Get right. And in the end, it’s just you and Him. Lean into Him. Again. He’ll provide everything you need.
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