Amy Austin
91.3 KGLY Late Afternoons
A woman may know she’s loved by her husband, but she needs to hear it! A woman also wants her husband to say “you look great” and she wants to be treasured. I will let you know, guys, women sense when you do something to show your appreciation – but words are the best!
We all have distractions. At the end of a long day, we usually come home and zone out. But I’ll clue you in – this is a crucial time for important communication for women —a time to listen without interruption. For women in general, we just want to know you are listening. This just lets us know you value us. Be sure your eye contact says “I care about you enough to give you the time & attention you deserve.”
Time alone is difficult to come by, especially if you have children. If their husbands would set aside their time of solitude, they would likely feel less guilty and even feel refreshed by their time alone.
This one likely doesn’t come as a surprise, but the survey shows that a woman’s need for romance isn’t merely a stereotype—it’s a reality. Most of the wives have a need for their husbands to do some of the planning. With so many of the family activities falling on the shoulders of the wives, they would love if the husbands planed a weekend for the two of them, or arranged for a babysitter!
Here’s one thing a wife would love…
A day of having no decisions, discipline solutions, or even dilemmas like cooking or household cleaning! When dad pitches in and becomes more involved in the day-to-day activities and needs of his children, he communicates to his wife he understands the importance of his role.
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for[a] him.” – Genesis 2:18
What are some effective ways you and your spouse communicate with each other? What does your spouse do to let you know he/she loves you? Let us know in the comments below!
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