Carrie Parsons
91.3 KGLY Early Afternoons
I’ve always been pretty shy. As long as I can remember, walking into a room full of people has made me anxious. So when my boss told me she was sending me to an industry conference, I thought “This will be fun…except for the networking.”
Networking is my worst nightmare. My first thoughts are “Do I know anyone here?” “Do I have anything interesting to say?” “What if someone asks a question I don’t know the answer to?” “What if no one talks to me?”
It turns out I’m not alone. Data released by Amazon on the most highlighted passage in Kindle eBooks is one on reducing anxiety and trusting in God. It’s from the Bible: Philippians 4:6-7
Don’t be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, submit your requests to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
This passage of Scripture shows us the huge amount of love God has for us. It doesn’t just say “don’t be anxious.” It says ”don’t be anxious about anything.” This can be overwhelming (believe me, I know), but if we read further, it actually gives us steps in how to do it.
by prayer and petition…
Talk to God. Ask him to ease your anxiety and to slow your racing thoughts. That’s what I did when I walked into that room full of people. My favorite part of the passage is at the end of verse 7:
And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
He pointed out some familiar faces. A friend and co-worker who came with me made introductions easy. He gave me that peace that only He can.
Try it. Memorize this verse or write it on a slip of paper you keep in your wallet or pocket. It doesn’t mean we will live a worry-free life, but we can experience peace through the power of God.
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