Mike Harper 91.3 KGLY Early Afternoons
My mom used to say there’s no perfect job. She was right. I had no idea how right she was. Because as much as I love my job, it’s in no way perfect, because there are people in it.
The same could be said of our churches, our relationships, our government, our marriages, and our families. We, the people, are prone to selfishness, pride, and forgetfulness.
It’s a good thing we have God as a salve to sooth the savage beast within. He’s always accessible to help keep us from killing each other. But there’s a catch.
We have to ask Him.
He needs to be invited. Daily. If we make Him a priority in all our everyday dealings, He can help us with guidance, wisdom and provision. I don’t know how people survive any of the above named institutions without having God at the center.
I can get snippy. God’s not snippy. I can get sarcastic, which is just a step beyond snarky, which just smidge past cheeky. God is none of those things. God is good, giving, and gracious. When we focus on Him, we can inherit those traits.
If we’re believers, we all want that. But here comes our sin nature rising to the top again. Next thing you know we’re getting lazy, absent-minded, and letting days go by without seeking Him.
So even though it’s not a perfect workplace, I’m thankful to be with some pretty sold out believers where it’s fun to seewhat God’s up to! Sometimes even in spite of ourselves!
How about your job? I’ll bet it’s not perfect. But even in the greatest adversity, God is greater than any challenge!
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8–9
Be mindful of the tremendous gift we have in Him. If we’ll just ask, He gives strength, peace, and love.
Wow… Cut me off a slice of that!
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