by nikkimartinez | Apr 23, 2014 | KGLY Blogs, Nikki Martinez' Blog
When driving from A to B anywhere in the country, raise your hand if you enjoy going the longest way possible. Yeah, probably not the case for many (myself included). Well, just like driving, if there’s somehow a short route for the everyday chores, it would be...
by nikkimartinez | Feb 26, 2014 | KGLY Blogs, Nikki Martinez' Blog
They’re warm, gooey, and I have to control myself in eating just one: Cupcakes! For my personal obsession to them, I have to really thank mi amiga Ashton, who actually has a bigger love for the my-size cakes that create a buzz. And it wasn’t until I...
by nikkimartinez | Nov 26, 2013 | KGLY Blogs, Nikki Martinez' Blog
As we all know, Thanksgiving is coming up in, oh, 2 DAYS!! Actually, less than 2 days if you consider this Tuesday to be almost done. With all the running around like a turkey with it’s head chopped off (yep, went there), you may make a few choice...