Amy Austin
91.3 KGLY Late Afternoons
The key to staying young is keeping your brain working! There is always something to learn.
I read in the local paper that students are teaching seniors how to use an iPad. What a great way to keep your brain sharp and nimble. The iPad will also open the outside world for those who are in nursing and retirement homes.
The students taught their the older students to Skype so they could stay connected to out of town family members. Learning to send messages, take photos, check on the weather, send emails and all that comes with the internet.
It doesn’t matter if you aren’t a “pro” at using the device. If you’re having fun and connecting with family and friends, that’s all that matters.
One older student said, “if we don’t get with it, we’re gonna be left out!”
I applaud those students for taking time out to teach the older generation to use technology. It opens up their world and connects them with family and friends, and that is so important.
In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ – Acts 20:35
What do you do to keep your brain sharp? We’d love to know! Let us know by leaving a comment below!
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