It’s finally showed up…The Sun!! And what better way to celebrate than to add a few new songs to KGLY! Hope you enjoy them (and here’s a little more about them) ~Nikki
Elias Dummer, “Enough”
Most have heard of the group The City Harmonic (“Manifesto” being a big track from them). Well, when the band decided to retire in 2017, lead singer, Elias Dummer, turned his attention to co-planting a church in his hometown. Yet, music was still in his blood, so he decided to start writing once again, this time working on a solo project! This is the first track off his worship album, “The Work (Vol. 1),” which you can hear the heart of the song in this video:
Lucy Grimble, “Keeper”
Originally leading worship at her church in the U.K., Lucy has been working on music on the side, both by herself and with friends from her church. And from that creative process has come a few tracks, this one being the first to be sent to the U.S. as she just recently was signed onto Integrity Music! She’s been helping lead worship at Women’s Conferences and Worship nights around the U.K., but who knows when she’ll make her first visits across the pond
Lincoln Brewster, “While I Wait” (Acoustic Version)
You won’t be able to find this specific version on his latest album, “God of the Impossible,” but the album itself is still one to check out! And who knows, if you’re ever in the Roseville, CA area (close to Sacramento), you may be able to hear this one live! Not only is Lincoln Brewster still leading worship at his home church of Bayside (for the last 20 years in fact), but he’s been helping put together the Thrive Conference, a conference for Pastors, Worship Leaders, and others in ministry to be refreshed and renewed. And he’s also helped co-produce and co-write music for the worship team’s first album, “Thrive Worship,” which has made it to the top of the Billboard Christian Albums list just recently!