Amy Austin
91.3 KGLY Late Afternoons
Raise your hand if you have, or had, a box of crayons? I would say most of us. Coloring was my favorite thing to do when I was a kid. In fact, I like coloring to this day. It eases tension, worries, and it’s fun! So what would you do if your favorite color of Crayola crayon was no more?
Well, today is National Crayon Day and Crayola is announcing that they’re retiring a color from their 24-count box. Say it isn’t so!
When I heard the news, I admit that it made me a little sad. How can you possibly choose which crayon to retire? This is my childhood you’re talking about!
Drum roll please…
Dandelion says goodbye. But Crayola has decided to let the public to choose the new crayon color! I still don’t understand why they had to retire Dandelion, maybe he’s tired!
What was your favorite (or least favorite) color crayon growing up?
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