Susan O’Donnell
91.3 KGLY Early Afternoons
I love the little pumpkin patch down the road from the radio station! The money goes to ministries and there are so many fun games and rides! The pumpkins are all over the place in every size or color you could want! I look for it to come to life every fall.
Over the years, it’s gone from all-orange pumpkins and some gourds to pink pumpkins that look like lace on them to warty ones that are as big as a small child to ones that are red and green. Some are just the right size and color for a pumpkin pie while others are more like one you’d use to decorate your porch.
Life is like that pumpkin patch.
We’re all a little different: some big, some small, some slightly colored a different hue, but all special and valued by the Creator.
I can’t imagine how boring a pumpkin patch filled with the exact same size, the exact same color and nothing that was any different than any of the other pumpkins.
I’m glad life is filled with “differents.” From those who are tall or short, big or small, to ones that are gifted with singing to those that can’t carry a tune in a bucket but can serve love to those in need, it’s the “different” that makes it a more wondrous place God has given us to live in.
God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. …if you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously and if you have a gift for showing kindness to others do it gladly. — Romans 12:6-8
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