Amy Austin
91.3 KGLY Late Afternoons
I don’t know about you, but I’m so busy that I can’t keep up with what I need done! So, if I feel that way, I’m sure I’m not connecting enough with my husband.
If you feel that way, here are some simple things I’ve started doing to reconnect with my husband and keep that spark alive.
1. Say I Love You!
You’d be surprised how a simple “I love you,” or “You look great,” more often can have a positive boost for your relationship. Even say those words to your spouse in a social gathering. Just being positive can give a big boost in your relationship.
2. Sweet Surprises
When we were dating, I would write notes on sticky notes and leave them for him to find. Sometimes it would be a moment we had shared or funny moments that gave us a chuckle.
3. Go Out
Being married for 25 years, we’ve gotten lazy and stopped going out on dates. So we started going to the movies or the park, or we’d just walk around the neighborhood holding hands. In fact, we just hold hands while watching TV.
4. Share our Bucket Lists and Deepest Thoughts
It was amazing to hear some of things he wanted to do. I had no idea. We also had fun in dreaming about the things we knew we could never do, but it was fun scheming!
You know, since trying to make time for each other more, we’ve realized how much we’ve missed each other. Yes, we are still busy, but now we make time for each other, even if it’s only a minute or two!
I’d love to know how some of you keep the love going! Please share your thoughts below.
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