Carrie Parsons 91.3 KGLY Late Afternoons
From time to time we all run into somebody that works in customer service who seems to be having a bad day, or maybe they’re just not doing things the way you might do them.
I hate to admit it, but my first reaction is usually “what’s their problem?
I occasionally run into someone like this when I’m getting gas. No smile, very short answers, just getting the job done.
To be honest, it never even occurred to me that maybe they’re going through something or just having one of those bad days.
I recently stopped to get gas and the same cashier was working. I was trying to run my debit card and got distracted because my dogs were in the car and they were jumping up and down.
I apologized and said “I’m sorry, my dogs are a little distracting.”
She looked over at the dogs, and that face – the one that never cracks a smile – that face completely changed.
“Oh” she said “I love fur babies!” We talked for a minute about dogs and then I went on my way to fill up my car.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when she actually opened the door and came out of that little box and walked over to visit with them.
“Here, let me roll the window down for you” I said.
She stood there while I pumped my gas, loving on those dogs, and sharing with me how she had recently lost her dog, which happened to be the same breed as mine.
She said she was having a difficult time with it and that she finally went to a shelter and found her a new fur baby to love.
At that point someone came up to the window and she had to go back inside, but I could tell that it truly made her day. It made my day too!
It made me realize that it’s important to stop in the middle of our busy day, to engage in conversations to find out how others are doing. I feel like God started that conversation for us through my dogs and I’m so thankful for that!
So the next time I come up on somebody that seems a little grumpy at the cash register, I’ll make a better effort to ask them about their day. I hope someone will do the same for me too.
[x_button shape=”rounded” size=”large” float=”none” href=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]READ ALL HEARD ON AIR BLOGS[/x_button]“Be kind and compassionate to one another…” Ephesians 4:32