Mike Harper 91.3 KGLY Early Afternoons
Often our troubles can overwhelm us. There seems to be no solution, and no end in sight. Over a long period of time it can be exhausting. It’s understandable how one could be tempted to lose hope.
Don’t let that be you! There are millions who have gone before with equal and even greater difficulties who gave their worries to God and ultimately overcame.
The great thing about God is His ability to come to our rescue in ways we never expected. Often it’s not until after the fact we see what God did under the radar and resolved the issue before we realized.
Here are some illusions we “see,” followed by the Truth of God’s Word on which we can trust.
What you see: Your failures.
The Truth: God is doing a new thing. (Is. 43:18)
What you see: People let you down.
The Truth: All fall short of His glory. (Rom. 3:23)
What you see: Your prayers seem futile.
The Truth: His ears are attentive to your prayer. (1 Pet 3:12)
What you see: I feel lonely.
The Truth: The Lord will be with you wherever you go. (Josh 1:9)
What you see: My life isn’t turning out at all like I planned.
The Truth: The Lord determines your steps. (Prov 16:9)
What you see: There’s no way I can pay these bills.
The Truth: God feeds the birds, and you’re much more valuable than they. (Matt 6:25-27)
Our eyes can fool us, and the heart is deceptive. Press in to God for answers, comfort, and peace. Seek Him first!
The Truth: God is doing a new thing. (Is. 43:18)
What you see: People let you down.
The Truth: All fall short of His glory. (Rom. 3:23)
What you see: Your prayers seem futile.
The Truth: His ears are attentive to your prayer. (1 Pet 3:12)
What you see: I feel lonely.
The Truth: The Lord will be with you wherever you go. (Josh 1:9)
What you see: My life isn’t turning out at all like I planned.
The Truth: The Lord determines your steps. (Prov 16:9)
What you see: There’s no way I can pay these bills.
The Truth: God feeds the birds, and you’re much more valuable than they. (Matt 6:25-27)
Our eyes can fool us, and the heart is deceptive. Press in to God for answers, comfort, and peace. Seek Him first!
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