David Brock
91.3 KGLY Mornings
Some people seem to embrace change and even look forward to it, while others dread it and pray it doesn’t happen too often. The fact is change is inevitable, and when it comes we have to find a new standard of normal.
Our little boy, Jaden, isn’t a little boy anymore. He started his first job this summer, working with kids as a camp counselor. It’s amazing how fast the “normal” we have known for years began to unravel. Work hours, mealtime, family time…so much just changed. It wasn’t a bad thing, in fact, this has been a blessing for Jaden. He loves his job and is looking forward to the next phase of it. I know he is going to thrive. It feels good to know he’s doing something he loves, but it is still change for us and I’ll be the first to admit it’s not easy.
When change comes…and it will…just remember Hebrews 13:8:
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Lean on Him and you can make it through whatever change may come along.”
How has God helped you through periods of change in your life? Were there any special Bible verses that helped?
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