Home » Delays and Closures for Jan. 24th

Delays and Closures for Jan. 24th

Posted on January 23, 2014
By Nikki Martinez

Snow…in East Texas?! As crazy as the idea is, it’s happened, and may continue to come tonight. But the snow isn’t what’s setting things a little slower paced–it’s the wind and hard-freeze temperatures that could make things slick tomorrow morning. Thankfully, you can check out Delays and Closures right here (and make sure to tune into the Morning Show to keep you in the know as well). Thanks to KYTX and KETK for the info:

Updated as of 10:35 am, Jan. 24th, 2014


Broaddus ISD

Brookeland ISD

East Texas Community Health Services clinics

Fredonia Hills Baptist Academy

Hemphill ISD

Nacogdoches ISD 

The Nacogdoches Senior Center

Polk Co. Offices

Stephen F. Austin State University

Panola College – Shelby County Campus

Torchlight Preparatory Academy in Crockett

Adventure Island Learning Center (Nacogdoches) canceled classes for today


Apple Springs ISD, 10 a.m. start

Broaddus ISD – classes start at 10 a.m.

Brookeland ISD , 10 a.m.

Chester ISD will start at 10 a.m.

Central ISD to open at 10:00 a.m., Friday.

Centerville ISD, will start at 10 a.m.

Colmesneil ISD, 10 a.m. start

Crockett ISD, 10 a.m. start

Corrigan – Camden ISD will begin at 10 a.m.

Grapeland ISD – 10 a.m. start

Groveton ISD – 10 a.m. start

Hemphill ISD – start at 10 a.m.

Kennard ISD – 10 a.m. start

Leggett ISD – 10 a.m. start

Nacogdoches ISD – 10 a.m. start

Trinity ISD will have a two hour delay and buses will arrive for pickup two hours later than usual

Zavalla ISD – 10 a.m. start

All Longview Middle School basketball games scheduled for tonight have been canceled, due to increasingly inclement weather in the area of Lufkin.


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