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Date Ideas for Busy Couples

Posted on September 24, 2019
By Fletcher Jonson
89.5 KVNE Christian Radio Date Ideas for Busy Couples Heard On Air Blog Featured Image
Carrie Parsons 91.3 KGLY Late Afternoons

Keith and I have been married for 27 years and I consider him my best friend. I remember before we had Preston we regularly went out on dates. We made a point every weekend to go somewhere we’d never been, whether it was 15 minutes or 15 hours away.

I have such fond memories of that season in our lives. Once our son was born life got busier and we definitely got out of practice. The busier we got, the more those intentional times together fell by the wayside. Sometimes it was time, sometimes money, but it always seemed to be at the bottom of the list.

Skip ahead 25 years and we now have plenty of time for date nights…or do we? We’re busier than ever. With long commutes, aging parents and everything else life piles up on us, it seems impossible to carve out any extra time.

The thing is finding time to be with just one another is important to both of us. I have to confess that it’s not always an easy thing to do. This isn’t just our isolated problem. It’s common in most marriages, regardless of how long you’ve been married.

If you’re finding it hard to carve out time together, check out these date ideas that are 2 hours or less:

Catch a Concert

Get tickets when your favorite musician is in town or check out a band you’ve been wanting to see. If no tours are coming close to your city, listen to some great live music like when you were kids!

Day Date

Visit your city’s Saturday farmer’s market and help each other build a bouquet of your favorite locally-grown flowers. If you don’t have a farmer’s market, have brunch at your breakfast spot of choice.

Movie Matinee

See a matinee movie any random afternoon to get out of the daily routine rut. Make sure to enjoy your favorite snack.

Scooter Your City

Head downtown, rent electric scooters and scoot around. Explore a part of town you haven’t visited in a while and have some coffee and a conversation at your favorite local cafe. If scooters aren’t available, opt for bikes instead.

Walk it Out

Take a walk or hike together and then grab a smoothie or something refreshing to drink. At tense times in marriage, I’ve found this to be a great way to get my husband to open up and create some space to work through misunderstandings.

Happy Hour Hangs

Once your kids are asleep, take your favorite drinks into your backyard or onto your porch and watch the sunset. This is a great way to decompress after a long day.

Nerf Gun Battle

Kids asleep. Break out the Nerf guns. Battle royale.

Song & Dance

Create a playlist of your favorite love songs. Turn the lights down, light some candles, slide the toys out of the way, and slow dance in the living room. You’ll feel 23 again.

Dessert Dreams

After the kids are asleep, team up to make your favorite dessert together. As you bake, spend some time chatting about a dream of yours. It can be big or small. The point is that it’s something you can work on accomplishing together.

TV on the couch

Pick a few of your favorite shows to catch up on, pop some popcorn, and cuddle up on the couch.

What are your favorite date ideas?

Original source: iMOM

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