As much as you and I can pray that it’ll go away, crime is something as present as the air we breathe or coffee shops on every corner. People make mistakes, wrong choices, and life-altering decisions, which is all the effect of the fall and the sin that entered the world. And even with all of that, there are ways to make sure to keep your loved ones and yourself as protected as possible–that added security. Thanks to our friends at Kilgore’s KLTV, making the choice of a security system hopefully won’t be too complicated:
Choose a professional installer. Deal only with reputable firms and check out the company’s Business Review with your BBB first at Use extreme caution if the salesman arrives in an unmarked vehicle and does not have local contact information printed on professional materials.
Carefully consider your security requirements. Review the sales contract closely to ensure you understand exactly what equipment and protection you will be provided and that it fulfills your wants and needs best. Make sure all the blanks are filled in, and read the fine print.
Contact at least three companies before selecting an installer. Research multiple companies and find out if they are properly licensed in Texas. Free bids from Accredited Businesses are available with the BBB’s Request a Quote feature available on
Ask about all charges up front. Prices for home security systems will vary greatly, based on the level of protection and type of technology used, so be sure to know your budget and compare bids on similar systems. Factor in initial installation charges, as well as monthly monitoring charges. Talk to your insurance agent; some systems may qualify you for a discount on homeowner’s premiums.
Know the ins and outs of your contract. If your alarm system will be monitored, either by your installing company or by a third-party monitoring center, find out the length of the contract. Typically, monitoring contracts are between two to five years in length.
Insist that the installer “walks” you through your system until you fully understand how it works. This will prevent the most common problem: false alarms. False alarms are an indicator of the quality of the alarm installation and user education. Make sure that you are aware of how your system works and that all of you questions are answered.
What security measures do you take for your family? Leave a comment below ~Nikki :)