Home » Stop Singing Oceans

Stop Singing Oceans

Posted on September 18, 2014

Have you sung the song Oceans? And really asked God to – as the song lyrics say – “Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me” Well, Nashville-based author and speaker Annie Downs posted a powerful blog this week that is convicting to the core. She asks, “Do you actually mean that? You and I are willing to sing the song on Sunday because it feels good, but will we move when the Spirit leads on Monday? Do you know what it is like outside of the borders? It is wild. And unpredictable. And dangerous. Also? It’s exhilarating and life-giving and exactly the kind of brave people God wants us to be. BUT, If you are only singing the song and not living the life, stop singing Oceans. If you will really read the lyrics, if you will know what you are singing when you sing, and if you will listen to the Holy Spirit and follow when He leads you deeper and farther, then buckle up and sing your heart out, because it’s going to be a beautifully messy ride.”

Read the full blog and more from Annie here!