Home » Morning Show Wrap Up July 29th

Morning Show Wrap Up July 29th

Posted on July 29, 2013
By Carrie Parsons

It’s Monday! We hope you had a good weekend, and we’re glad you’ve stopped by to have your morning coffee and let us ride to work with you. It’s Marriage Monday, and we’re focusing on lightening up and laughing in our marriages.

Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Don’t miss Max Lucado weekdays  at 6:30am  and online 24/7 at http://maxlucado.com/

Mom’s Morning Prayer” may be just what you need to start the day off in a spirit of gratitude.  Read it here.

Tim Hawkins is a regular part of the fun on the morning show! Find out more about comedian Tim Hawkins here.

Plugged in Movie Review:
The Wolverine” gets 2.5 out of 5 stars for Family-Friendliness.  Get more on this movie and other movies playing now at www.pluggedinonline.com

Back to School Shoe Drive
89.5 KVNE and Buckner Children and Family Services have joined forces for a Back to School Shoe Drive to benefit East Texas kids in need.  Last year we were able to help 3,200 children. This year, we’re expecting as many as 4000 East Texans to need our help.  The most urgent needs are athletic or canvas shoes, youth-4 through adult sizes, but any new shoe donation is appreciated. Click here for drop off locations.

Follow KVNE on Facebook and chime in on Mike & Carrie in the Morning! It only takes a click to “like” us today: www.facebook.com/895kvne

Need prayer? We can help! Call the KVNE Prayer & Care Line at 855-CARE-715.

Thanks for listening!
See you back bright and early each weekday morning from 6am – 10am with
Mike & Carrie in the Morning on 89.5 KVNE!