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Mom Mornings

Posted on March 19, 2014

Ever had one of those mom mornings that you have to vent about with another mom? Someone who gets where you’re coming from? Chores left undone. Waking kids up for the 5th time then rushing to work because you ended up doing their chore for them? Motherhood is not easy. It’s hard work! It doesn’t get easier as they become teens either!

Ruth Schwenk has some encouragement on her blog “I take joy.” She says, “All this time, I’ve been trying to make motherhood easier instead of leaning in to the calling God has placed in my life. We think we must be doing something wrong because it shouldn’t be THIS hard! It’s tempting at times to lose heart and perspective. But, remember that the Christian life and motherhood in particular, is a call to endure, even when it’s not easy. God always gives us hope in the middle of hard things.”

So, I vented with Carrie Parsons this morning (Thanks for listening!) and with God over my motherhood messes. Have you? As you do, remember Galatians 6:9. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the right time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Let God be your God, so you can be the mom he wants you to be.

Song used on air: I Can Just Be Me – Laura Story