No matter how excited kids get about the idea of summer break, about a week into it they already are saying the dreadful 2-word sentence: “I’m bored.” It’s not easy to get away from this phrase coming out of their lips, but you can try to stop it in it’s tracks through these activities. And the beauty is you could do these without costing you really nothing! Who knows, they may actually even forget these words existed…or at least make it to July!
- On hot summer days, don’t settle for store-bought kiddie pools. Call your local hotels, colleges and fitness centers to find out what kind of pool access is available. Many locations allow pool use for a small fee, and won’t require you to sign up for a membership. Free swim times may be in the early morning or late evening, but that’s nothing you can’t tackle with a little planning.
- Low-cost matinee movies could change things up a bit! Big chains like Regal and Cinemark offer matinee showings for as little as $1 on Wednesday mornings. But whenever you decide to go, try to avoid buying your tickets online. You’ll likely incur extra fees that aren’t worth the convenience. Simply get in line to save.
- If your family is big on sports, take them to a minor league baseball game. It’s not the majors, but at pretty cheap tickets, you’ll have plenty of money left over for sweet and salty treats.
Thanks to The Savings Experiment for these tips! What’s your favorite fun and FREE summer activity? [email protected]