Home » Cheap Summertime Fun for Kids

Cheap Summertime Fun for Kids

Posted on June 27, 2014

Your kids are out of school! How can you keep them entertained when you have a tight budget? Here’s some great ideas compliments of KaixinFun.com that will cost you under $10:


-Exploding paint bags can be a messy, fun art project for your kids.
-Make roads for toy cars by using colored tape on carpet.
-Turn your driveway into a fun target game using chalk and sponges.
-Have extra bubble wrap? Make stomp paintings.
-Cut up a tarp with scissors to make a cheap throwing game.
-Create a quiet, safe game of Jenga by using cut-up sponges.
-Go camping indoors and let your kids’ imaginations run wild.
-Make a mini bowling game with pencil erasers and marbles.
-Make soap clouds by putting a bar of soap into the microwave.
-Balloon ping pong – make the paddles with paper plates and popscicle sticks.
-Hang Strands of painter’s tape across the doorway to make a fun, sticky spiderweb.
-Cut up a rectangle shaped box to make a stair slide.
-Cut a pool noodle in half to make a marble race track.
-Or use those pool noodles and chairs to create a backyard obstacle course.

Check out the whole list on their Website and make some great memories with your kids this summer!

Summer Fun For Kids Under $10