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A Muddled Scenery…

Posted on April 24, 2013
By Nikki Martinez

Horse and outdoorsGrowing up as a kid in south Texas, there we’re hot days and even hotter summers (the words “It’s Hot” were heard as common as “I’m good”). But no matter what the temperature was outside was, my parents made an effort to have us enjoy the scenery around us. Now, to the person from California, New York, or even Michigan, they may think that meant us gettin’ our boots on and saddlin’ up on a horse. Yeahhh, Texas is A LOT more then that! In fact, I grew-up around Houston, where the only time you would see those 2 things together was during one straight month, ONLY at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

The outdoor scenery to us was trips to the playground at our elementary school–yep, went to school even on the weekends. It was joining swim-team and going to swim meets at the early morning hours of 5:30am. It was enjoying the museums and Houston zoo. And of course, it was walking around any and every park that was in a driving distance of 25 minutes or less, particularly Jesse H. Jones Park. During those many hikes on trails that were very well kept so kids like us three wouldn’t trip on our ever-clumsy selves, questions always came around. Questions from, “why do we have to go to church” to “why can’t we play with the rolly-pollies? (pill bugs)?” And very freely my parents entertained those questions time and time again.

But the more times we made those trips to the park, those ever-enchanting trails became boring and dry. Those questions became distant and annoying memories. And the scenery around us seemed to feel like it lost it’s sparkle. The reality wasn’t that the park had become those things, but I had become a little more jaded and even a little angry at the world at times. I had gone into it all with wonderment, and now had seen the disappointment of what life held too often. I ended-up going into those trips with the weight of the world, when really I should have left them back at the car, or even back at the house.

And yet, I want to go back now. Now that I’m back in TX, those parks are calling to me again. That wonderment, I hope, is waiting for me! And those rolly-pollies will probably still be hiding under rocks wanting to walk on my hand. I just have to remember to keep the world away, and enjoy the scenery around me. God created it, so I should fully enjoy it, leaving the craziness and muck behind.

What memories have you made while enjoying the scenery? What scenery do you wish you had back? Always give me a shout at [email protected]

And don’t forget, it’s National Park Week, so go out and make some memories if you can!